Visibility for Enhanced Business Performance

Lack of visibility into real time energy usage creates a challenge when trying to pinpoint and reduce energy waste.  Optimising consumption requires actionable data collected and applied on an individual load level basis.  Pacific Energy Solutions Ltd can provide you with this real-time visibility with device-level energy data and actionable insights that improve operational excellence and business performance, using the Panoramic Energy Monitoring System.  The Panoramic system uses ingenious self-powered CTs that communicate wirelessly to a base unit.  Using a sim card, the base unit then transfers the data to the cloud where it forms the basis of comprehensive energy reports.  These reports include heat maps indicating kWh usage, comparison of performance between different sites to name but a few, all giving actionable insight into energy management issues.  The systems are quick and easy to install and set up, requiring minimal wiring and installation time.  The key advantage is to be able to economically monitor right down to device level.